CrossWinds Winery
Hummelstown, PA 17036
Friday, Saturday & Sunday 12-6pm

Our Story…
It starts out as one you’ve heard before…we have the usual family farm, that’s been the family for generations. Our vineyard in Juniata County is very mature, planted in the early 1990’s. We may be a new winery, but our grapes have produced some very fine wines. This is where our story takes a twist. Linda and I are both pilots and we built an airport in the vineyard (Jansen Vineyards, PN71, for you pilots out there). What better way to check on the grapes than flying low over the grapes and landing along side our apple orchard! You’ll see this aviation theme carried throughout our name, our labeling, and even the decor of the winery.
Please, enjoy visiting our winery.
We wish you clear skies and sunny days ahead!
Ed and Linda Jansen.